
The Wilmslow Golf Club

Wilmslow Golf Club

Junior Open 2025

Tuesday 22nd July 2025 - Wilmslow,
Men play from White Tees
Ladies play from Red Tees

This is an Open Competition for Junior Boys & Girls under 18 years old on 1st January 2025

Entry fee is £25 per person.

Maximum Individual Handicap Index of 28 for Boys and 35 for Girls

Official Competition Handicap Certificates required.

This competition is a Qualifier for The Daily Telegraph Junior Golf Championship.

Prizes awarded for:

Best Nett Scores - 1st 2nd 3rd      Best Gross Scores - 1st 2nd

Best Nett (under 15 years of age on 1st January 2025)

Best Girls Gross Score        Best Girls Nett 1st  2nd

Nearest the Pin Competition

Longest Drives - Boys and Girls aged 15 and over

Longest Drives - Boys and Girls aged under 15

Twos Prizes

Online Signup View Rules View Entrants
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(Signup Closes at 12:00 am on 22/07/2025)

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